Smartlipo Triplex™ Patient Testimonials
“You and your staff treated me like a friend while still being very professional. Dr. Petti thank you so much for making me feel good about my appearance again. Menopause is so ugly and you helped me get through it much easier. Thank you for helping and understanding WOMEN!“
-P.R., Smartlipo Triplex™ Patient
“Dear Dr. Petti and Staff,
I can’t begin to tell you what a wonderful experience I’ve had not just with the surgery in 2005, but once again this October. I’m very pleased with the outcome and so galt I decided to have the Smartlipo TriplexTriplexSmartlipotrade;trade;trade; and my neck done.
You are a wonderful, caring, and talented person and surgeon. And your staff exemplifies all those attributes too. You and your staff are diamonds in your profession.”
-M.H., Los Angeles Smartlipo Triplex™ Patient
“Words cannot express how happy I am after having the Smartlipo Triplex™ Laser Body Sculpting. I am a very active & athletic individual, I watch what I eat, and exercise on a regular basis, but have been very frustrated with the stubborn bulging areas around my entire abdomen, back and hips. I have come to the conclusion that I need help with those unsightly pockets of fat that I cannot stand anymore! After doing extensive research and checking out websites, I wanted a qualified, board certified female plastic surgeon, to do the job understanding my situation, being a woman and all the changes our bodies go through as we mature. To me a woman’s touch is important and Dr. Christine Petti of the Los Angeles area met all my expectations! I found out as well, Dr. Petti is the only plastic surgeon in her area who does the Smartlipo Triplex™ LaserBody Sculpting. I had her do my abdomen, hips, flanks and neck. Dr. Petti made some recommendations to me that I never realized, the consultation was educational and informative and my results were dramatic! I saw results immediately, with a quick recovery to follow. I fit beautifully in my clothes, my body and neck are truly tight and toned! Dr. Christine Petti helped me achieve all my goals and wishes! – I now finally have the body I have always dreamed of!!:
-Sandra, Orange County Smartlipo Triplex™ Patient
“Special thanks to Susie, Roberta, surgical team, and follow-up care nurses and of course, Dr. Petti. A very happy thoughtful and caring staff.”
-M.M. Los Angeles Liposuction Patient
“The office was fantastic – organized & flexible, followed-up with phone calls, friendly and sincere, and highly professional and caring. Many thanks for all! I was very nervous and hesitant about having Smartlipo TriplexTriplexSmartlipotrade;trade;trade; (or and kind of surgery), but Dr. Petti and the staff held my hand every step of the way – through all of the uncertainties – and I am incredibly grateful! If Smartlipo TriplexTriplexSmartlipotrade;trade;trade; is for you, Dr. Petti’s office is the only place to go.
-Lisa, Smartlipo Triplex™ Patient
“Everyone I came in contact with was very friendly and made me feel comfortable. Loved that Dr. Petti took the time to call and did not make me feel like I was bothering her (it was a weekend night when I left her a message).
-Los Angeles Smartlipo Triplex™ and Abdominoplasty Patient
The office was so friendly, so caring, so always ready to answer questions and readily available.”
(SmarLipo of arms/thighs, Facelift with upper/lower eyes, and SmartSkin CO2™ of face/neck)