Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles Educates Peers at THE Aesthetic Show™
Dr. Christine Petti recently presented at THE Aesthetic Show™ in Las Vegas – a multi-disciplinary conference focusing on cosmetic medicine.
Torrance, CA — THE Aesthetic Show™ is an annual meeting for aesthetic medical and dental professionals. Los Angeles plastic surgeon Christine Petti, M.D., F.A.C.S. explains that the multi-disciplinary conference allows top physicians in the field to share contemporary techniques, services and products that are at the forefront of cosmetic medicine. “This is where each attendee will have the opportunity to absorb knowledge and meet professionals at all levels of aesthetic medicine in order to share ideas so that each attendee leaves the meeting feeling more confident about what they can offer their patients.” THE Aesthetic Show™ 2014 was held at The Wynn in Las Vegas, July 10-13.
This year, Dr. Petti was invited to present at THE Aesthetic Show™ on the subject of body contouring, due to her expertise in laser-assisted liposuction (Smartlipo™) and laser treatment of cellulite (Cellulaze™). She has reported on the use of these techniques in surgical literature and has a unique method of treatment that she was able to share with those in attendance at THE Aesthetic Show™ scientific session.
At THE Aesthetic Show™ 2014, Dr. Petti conducted an educational workshop on PrecisionTx™ – a laser-assisted, minimally-invasive neck and lower face contouring treatment. Dr. Petti’s presentation included a review of the laser technology, patient selection, and treatment outline for an aesthetically-appealing, efficient, and safe outcome. She says PrecisionTx™ is typically completed in an hour under local anesthesia. According to Dr. Petti, it is often a good option for jawline and neck rejuvenation for patients who do not desire a neck lift or face lift, or are not yet candidates for these procedures. In a recent blog post titled, “Laser Assisted Facial Rejuvenation and Neck Lift,” she says PrecisionTx™ can be beneficial for young patients with a thick neck and middle-aged patients with early skin laxity and fat below the chin (submental fat). She adds, “It can also be a great option for patients who have had a previous face and neck lift, but are not ready to undergo another surgery to maintain their youthful appearance.”
During the four-day conference, Dr. Petti also presented on an abstract she authored entitled, “Treating Cellulite and Fat Simultaneously.” During the lecture, she presented a series of 16 patients who underwent both laser-assisted body contouring of the thighs and buttocks (Smartlipo™) and simultaneous laser treatment of cellulite (Cellulaze™) of the same areas.
Regarding her experience as a presenter at THE Aesthetic Show™, Dr. Petti says, “I was excited to share my laser expertise with other aesthetic surgeons to facilitate their understanding and successful use of the unique and rewarding minimally-invasive technique of PrecisionTx™.” She explains that many surgeons are not comfortable with laser technology, so she enjoyed having an opportunity to educate them so they can safely and effectively add the technology as an option for their patients.
About Christine Petti, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Dr. Petti is an active member of the Los Angeles County Medical Association, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. She is often featured as a medical expert on television shows, including ABC’s 20/20, and “The Doctors” on CBS. Dr. Petti attended medical school at both Georgetown University and The Medical College of Pennsylvania prior to earning her medical degree. After medical school, she trained in her plastic surgery residency at The University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine.She is now the Medical Director of her own private practice in the Los Angeles area. Dr. Petti is available for interview upon request.
To learn more about Dr. Petti and her practice, please visit dr-petti.com or facebook.com/drpetti.
Christine Petti, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Cosmetic and Laser Surgery
3400 W. Lomita Blvd.
Suite 307
Torrance, CA 90505
(310) 961-2530
Rosemont Media
[email protected]
(858) 200-0044