Cellulaze™ Cellulite Reduction Research with Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon
Los Angeles, CA — Dr. Christine Petti, a board-certified Los Angeles plastic surgeon, was one of six national authors of an FDA study that was recently presented, “Multi-Center Evaluation for the Treatment of Cellulite Using a New Minimally Invasive Laser Approach,” at the annual meeting of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) in Vancouver, Canada. This paper introduced Cellulaze™, the Nd:YAG 1440-nm wavelength laser, a minimally-invasive, single treatment for cellulite with results lasting 1 to 2 years post treatment. Dr. Petti says the goal of the research was to study the efficacy and safety of the 1440-nm laser and its ability to offer patients a less invasive and more effective method to reduce cellulite.
Cellulaze™ utilizes fiberoptic laser energy in a 3-step approach to safely and effectively attack the abnormal internal anatomy of cellulite. The fiberoptic technique permits a refined method directed at treating the lumpy fat, the dimpled and constricting, septal bands and the thin dermis of the skin, which are the key components of cellulite that leave women with the classic cottage cheese appearance in the skin of the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and arms.
Cellulaze™ was approved by the FDA in January of 2012, and has since been used at Dr. Petti’s practice to help patients reduce the physical appearance of cellulite and improve their overall confidence and body image. According to the Cellulaze™ by Cynosure website, clinical trials have shown the procedure can improve the appearance of cellulite in a single treatment for up to one year with few side effects. The multi-center study cited above has shown that 93% of patients surveyed were satisfied or very satisfied with their results one year post-procedure, and that a large number of patients would recommend the procedure.
At the ASAPS 2012 Meeting, the results of the multi-center study were presented, in which 57 subjects in six clinical sites were treated for unwanted cellulite. After a single Cellulaze™ treatment, the procedure was well tolerated by all subjects, and any pain, swelling, numbness or other side effects were resolved within three months. The research also showed that the average satisfaction of physicians and patients, based on a six-point scale, was 5.4 and 4.7 respectively. Further studies of the changes at the anatomical level of the skin and fat where cellulite occurs, demonstrated that there was a 25 % increase in skin thickness and a 29 % decrease in skin laxity that is maintained 1 year post treatment.
As Dr. Petti continues to consult with and treat patients with the desire to reduce cellulite at her Los Angeles plastic surgery practice, Palos Verdes Plastic Surgery Medical Center, she says she appreciates the chance to contribute to the advancement of the cosmetic enhancement industry and the development of an exciting new technology: “I experience great satisfaction from participating in clinical trials that investigate new, minimally-invasive, effective and safe techniques that help potential patients find answers to their cosmetic surgery dilemmas, that are unaddressed by alternative methods. I get especially excited about laser techniques. Lasers permit me, as the surgeon, to treat tissue in a way that is highly refined, since the laser light is absorbed by the specific target tissue that is causing the undesirable aesthetic problem. Patients may receive less invasive treatments that are pin-point in addressing the anatomical problem, and with specificity of treatment, oftentimes, we achieve improved outcomes, rapid recoveries, fewer side effects and ultimately, very happy patients.”
About Christine Petti, MD, FACS
After completing her medical degree and general surgery residency at The Medical College of Pennsylvania, Dr. Christine Petti completed her plastic surgery residency at The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. She is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Petti is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the Los Angeles County Medical Association. She publishes and presents often, and appears regularly on the daytime talk show The Doctors, as a cosmetic enhancement expert.
The Palos Verdes Plastic Surgery Medical Center is located at 3400 W. Lomita Blvd., Ste. 305, Torrance, CA 90505, and can be reached at (310) 961-2530. Dr. Petti and her team can also be found online at dr-petti.com, or facebook.com/drpetti.