HomePhoto GalleryBreast Implant Revision GalleryPatient 1

This patient had 2 previous breast surgeries prior to consulting with Dr. Petti about undergoing another breast surgery to correct “dents” and asymmetries.
Special note should be made by closely observing the preop breasts.
The patient noted that her breasts were asymmetrical, and the lower pole (bottom) of breasts on both breasts had “indented, depressed” distortions due to previous breast surgery with superficial periareolar dissection (too superficial) and placement of implants below the pectoralis major muscle(subpectoral).
Dr. Petti performed corrective revisional breast surgery to restore a natural breast shape and eliminate the indented lower pole of both breasts.
She removed the previous subpectoral silicone breast implants and capsular scar tissues, placed new silicone breast implants in new submammary breast pockets and she chose slightly larger sized implants-Allergan Natrelle “gummiest” highly cohesive, smooth, silicone gel breast implants.
Dr.Petti also performed a customized, modified breast lift to create soft, full, naturally curved breasts.